Ready for the world
11:30 PM
TCP was not one of those typical enrichment camps.
It was a camp which I felt was truly enriching and I learnt a lot as well.
It's like you'll get to learn something out of every activity we did.
Albatrose; Guys on chair and have chocs while girls took off our shoes and sat on the floor.
The natural thought would be that it's unfair and stuff but I came to learn that it's all about the perspectives.
We think that "oh why don't we girls have chocolates?" "Why don't we have chairs?" "Why do we have to take off our shoes?" but when the reasons were revealed, it kind of left me with nothing to say and just go "oh". It made me think about how I have the tendency to jump into conclusions quickly and start passing judgements and complaints but at the end of the day, proven that whatever I perceive may not be right.
Learning more about myself and other people's personality will definitely help in the future.
I'm a high D,I and a slightly high S. Super low C.
I honestly felt abnormal since Justice gave the "this is kind of weird face" when he saw it.
Hahaha, special me :3
That's beside the point. I think it made me aware of what I can do with my strengths and weaknesses. Also how to relate to those of other types and learning to work/adapt with others.
I really regret not having enough sleep the night before causing me to miss out some parts of Servant Leadership which was really good and the points were really meaningful.
I remember saying that I'll probably have the most problem with integrity because it's not easy to always deliver what you say. Not everything will be able to go smoothly as planned and when a promise is made, it's just so hard sometimes.
And deep humility? I mean who wouldn't like getting acknowledged for what you did?
I know I need the acknowledgement to feel appreciated and stuff so yeahh.
Day 2:
CORE. Made me find out more about what i have and what i lacked.
About me being a camper just because i'm lazy.
"Climbers are committed to climb EVERY aspect of their lives" and i guess that's where i see myself get stuck.
My "reach" is extremely bad cause things that happen often affects my mood a lot and i neglect the fact that it affects the people around me as well. I've no idea why, when my reach is "high" somehow things get more bottled within me and i get tired mentally after awhile. (Need to work on this)
Lunch Unlimited was just good, somehow we enjoyed our meal on the floor with tons of other people just eating bread. But thanks to my dear iDARE family who were at the camp as well, I got to eat good food too. Super got love lah guys.
C.A.C was simply amazing. Eye opener.
Never would i expect myself doing what we did at the first station. It turned our FUNNNN!
I learnt well, at least i think and hope i did. hahaha~
Second & third station was just hilarious all because of language barriers.
Speaking with our lousy chinese, hokkien and what more malay.
We literally went like: "skolah, ngee ann poly, *show bread*" and she understood surprisingly!!~
Then came the infamous moat. Oh how i dislike it.
Those hours! Those whistling! Oh Lord save me!
Shouting across the room, getting points across which got nowhere and just gave up for that moment.
We completed it in 5h 52min 56s.
*Phew* Thank God it's over.
Mc delivery with iDARE family and ryan before talking about anything and everything under the roof and ended up crashing there with only 1h of sleep.
Day 3:
I'm so sad it's over and i've not much memory about stuff probably thanks to the lack of sleep.
I was full of nonsense the last day. I blame my lack of sleep, really.
Got to do our Justice Clap! YAY!
Skit was good, Songs were good, Initiation Ceremony etc was good~
the last part where we suddenly started sharing stuff is where things got..
the sweet, candy floss and stuff were just so spicy that our eyes sweated.
But no regrets on this camp at all, i love my group, i love my mentor and i cannot ask for any group/mentor better than this.
I'm gonna miss Justice sooo much when he leaves Singapore. Sighs...